15 Ideas For Research Paper Topics About Frankenstein.

  • Frankenstein and Artificial Intelligence. It has been said that humans have both the knowledge and the technology to create life. Draw an analogy between the use of Artificial Intelligence and the creation of Frankenstein.

  • Mary Shelley V. John Milton. Research, compare and contrast the parallels between the different layers of of meaning between Frankenstein & Paradise Lost. Given the results of your research do you think that Mary Shelley's work is comparable to Milton's?

  • Genetic Engineering and Frankenstein. In the advent of genetic engineering, is man playing God? Relate this to Frankenstein and his creator. Was Mary Shelley's work a view into the future?

  • Frankenstein's psychological development. Do you think that the portrayal of Frankenstein does justice to his psychological development and motivation? What was the greatest influence on his development? Is it realistic?

  • The story telling device. How successful was Mary Shelley in her use of the complex system of framing devices. Did she achieve in sharing with the reader the attitudes and confidentialities that are shared throughout the work?

  • The creation of Frankenstein's creature and the creation of Adam in the Bible. Research the intentions of the two creators. Compare how God loved Adam despite his behaviour whilst Frankenstein abhorred his who had done nothing wrong.

  • Compare and Contrast, Frankenstein and Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Focus your research on the dual nature of man that is explored in both books. Does that fact that there were 70 years difference between the books change the treatment?

  • Research the comparison between Frankenstein's demise and that of a Greek tragedy. How does Frankenstein deal with the two characteristics “cowardice and carelessness” which he rebukes, is guilty of in his dealings with his own creation.

  • Investigate the application of the Mental Illness model to the basis behind the Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Henry James' Washington Square. Focus in particular on the implications that it has for the main character in each novel.

  • What happened when Frankenstein stepped outside of the boundaries of the social system. In the novel Frankenstein, chose to step outside of the boundaries of his own socialization as he dealt with the 'infant' that he created.

  • Did Victor Frankenstein regret bringing the creature to life? What evidence can you find in the novel? Is there evidence that both supports this theory and evidence that refutes it? Did Frankenstein feel that he was totally guiltless throughout?

  • Explore the Gothic Elements that exist in the novel Frankenstein. At the time there were several female authors that used Gothic elements in their writing in particular Ann Radcliffe used it in The Italian and Jane Austen used it in Persuasion.

  • Who is the real hero in Frankenstein? Examine, compare and contrast, the characters of both the monster and Frankenstein. Who ultimately is the hero? Support your argument with evidence that you are able to draw from the book.

  • Was Frankenstein an over-achieving Scientist? Did Frankenstein deliberately ignore the ethics that govern the way that experiments should be conducted? Compare this to other incidents in history where the victims of experimentation have to live with effects.

  • Gothic V. Romanticism. Both Gothic and Romanticism were two dominant literary movements in the 19th Century. How do both of these movements fare with the treatment of the Mary Shelley's Novel?